Free home inspection checklist


Free DIY Home Inspection Checklist


  • DIY Tips:  
  •  Because you have no idea what condition the main sewer line is in by a visual inspection or even by simply running the water, we always suggest a main sewer line inspection prior to your purchase.
  • If the house was re-piped, you should consider looking into permits or warranties
  •  If there is fire suppression present, have a professional inspect this system 
  •  The use of an infrared camera is strongly suggested when looking for leaks within the plumbing system
  •  If you find that the house is more than 30 years old or there are trees in close proximity to the front of the house – GET A SEWER LINE SCOPE / INSPECTION
Main Water Supply

Material Type ___________________

Material Size _________

Original   Replaced

  •  The gas valve is frozen 
  •  There is NO regulator present   (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Regulator is leaking  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Regulator piping appears smaller than other piping leading into / out of regulator  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Water Pressure

* Test the water pressure by running multiple fixtures and placing a pressure gauge onto a hose bib which is regulated

  •  The water pressure is okay 45-60 PSI
  •  Low water pressure  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  The water pressure is too high  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • Water pressure drops from a normal 45-60 psi to 0-20 psi during use of multiple fixtures  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)

PRV (Pressure Relief Valve located at the main water supply)

  •  The PRV is okay
  • PRV is leaking  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  The PRV is corroded (may leak)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Supply Piping

The water supply piping is:   COPPER     PLASTIC     GALVANIZED

COPPER Supply Piping

*With copper piping you may experience a “ticking” noise when you test the hot water which is generally typical expansion and contraction

  •  The copper supply piping is okay
  •  The copper piping rattles or is noisy when fixtures are abruptly turned off (water hammering)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  There is surface corrosion where visible ( just inspect annually)
  •  Piping not supported / strapped properly
  •  Leaking was observed within the copper piping system  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  The material looks like type “M” with a red stripe which is a thinner material  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • Galvanized piping intermixed with the copper piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  There are galvanized connections made directly not the copper piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Prior repairs were observed or disclosed  (*DIY TIP: Ask about previous repairs here)
PLASTIC Supply Piping

 *With plastic piping you may experience a “ticking” noise when you test the hot water which is generally typical expansion and contraction

  •  The plastic supply piping is okay
  •  There is surface corrosion observed at various joints or connections
  •  Piping not supported / strapped properly
  •  CPVC piping (which is a controversial material)   (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  PEX piping (which is a controversial material)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Polybutylene piping (which is a controversial material)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Leaking was observed within the piping system  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Prior repairs were observed or disclosed  (*DIY TIP: Ask about previous repairs here)
  •  Galvanized or copper materials intermixed with this plastic piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
GALVANIZED Supply Piping
  •  The Galvanized supply piping is okay
  •  Surface corrosion / blisters noted  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Significant reduction in water pressure when water was tested  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Patches noted in galvanized piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Prior repairs noted or disclosed by owners  (*DIY TIP: Ask about previous repairs here)
  •  Copper mixed with galvanized piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Piping not supported / strapped properly
  •  Copper connections made directly onto galvanized piping  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Drain-Waste-Vent Piping
  •  No visible leaks at the time of the inspection 
  •  Leaking noted  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Drains sloped negatively  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Vent piping sloped negatively  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Corrosion observed at drain pipe connections  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Asbestos piping observed  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Vent too close to trap
  •  Added Drain pipe –  (*DIY TIP: Check for permits)
  •  Vent pipe too close to an openable window
  •  Drain piping not supported / strapped properly
  •  Clean-out missing front / rear
  •  Missing cap
  •  Newer Cap  (*DIY TIP: Ask about previous repairs here)
  •  Leaking Clean out  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Fuel Supply

Fuel Type:   Natural Gas     Propane

  •  Meter okay
  • Needs to be better protected by a Bollard pole
  •  Too close to the garage air vent  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • The Meter is too close to door or window  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • Close to grade (6″ minimum)
Gas pipe
  •  Gas pipe okay
  •  Missing drip legs / Sediment traps
  •  Added line noted  (*DIY TIP: Check for permits)
  •  Incorrect materials for gas pipe  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Missing shutoff valve 3’ before appliance  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Metallic gas piping is not allowed outdoors in or within six inches of the ground.(unless wrapped or protected coating applied)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Incorrectly supported
  •  Not protected below ground  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Gas leak detected   (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Water Heater

Capacity ____ Gallons 

Year __________

  •  Water-heater okay
  •  Water heater is new  (*DIY TIP: Check for permits)
  •  Water heater knocks
  •  Bollard protection needed
  •  Lacks Clearance to  top   front   side    rear
  •  Water heater lacks combustion / make-up air  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Fuel leak  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Short fuel line
  •  Sediment trap missing
  •  Small fuel line
  •  Incorrect fuel line material
  •  Kinked fuel line
  •  Fuel valve damaged  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Temperature Pressure Relief Valve
  • Flexible TPR materials
  •  TPR does not extend to the exterior
  • The TPR is too close to grade (min 6”-24” max)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • Incorrect – TPR drain into a pan  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • No TPR present / no drain pipe
  • Material for TPR incorrect
  •  TEE installed within the TPR drain pipe  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Small TPR drain pipe (3/4” or less)  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Too many 90 degree fittings in the TPR drain pipe
  •  Unable to verify the termination point  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  TPR drain pipe kinked
Water Heater Base
  •  Damaged Water heater base
  •  Water heater base is stained  (*DIY TIP: Ask about previous leaks here)
  • Mold present on base  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Small water heater base  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Sagging water heater base  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Pan is needed at the water heater base
  •  Base is not 18” high  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  • Unstable water heater base  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
Water Heater straps
  •  Missing straps  (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Straps are loose  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  Only one strap  (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Straps not installed at 1/3 and 1/3 locations
  •  Incorrect materials used
Water Heater Vent
  • Close to combustible materials  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  • Asbestos Transite  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  • Incorrectly installed  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Vent is sloped incorrectly  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Draft hood is missing / loose  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Thimble reducer needed  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate) (*DIY TIP: This is a hazard)
  •  Screws suggested in vent connections
Water Heater Supply Piping
  •  No shutoff valve installed  (*DIY TIP: Have contractor evaluate)
  •  No means to disconnect the water heater (union / valve)
  •  Supply pipe kinked
  •  Corrosion observed at the supply piping

DIY Home inspection Plumbing Page

Without a good roadmap its hard to find exactly where you’re going am I right? One can argue that with the invention of the internet we now have maps but I digress.  Of course, this DIY home inspection checklist plumbing page is an excellent map to follow when conducting your own home inspection. Lets face it, not every home inspector have your best interests in mind. So why not conduct your very own home inspection using the DIY home inspection checklist we provide. on the other hand, you can alway elect to choose an inspector from your realtors famous list of three home inspectors.

Why Use a Free Home inspection Checklist

For the most part, a free home inspection checklist like the one we provide allows you the ability to see the home first hand and from the perspective of the inspector as opposed to just a home buyer. Furthermore, using a checklist gives you intimate knowledge of the building. Once again, information that you may not have otherwise obtained. Not only is the checklist a guide to systematically inspect the home its a list of items with direction in the even the issues are significant.


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