Get a Nit-Picky Oxnard Home Inspection

Most home inspectors don’t conduct a nit-picky Oxnard home inspection because they don’t know how. You don’t need a degree in engineering or decades of contracting work under your belt to become a California home inspector. A fast one-week course and you’re a “pro” in California’s eyes. Mazza Inspections isn’t like most home inspection companies.

We’re Nit Picky for Good Reasons

We’re nit-picky in home inspections because we know how to be nit-picky. We’ve stacked up decades of contracting experience, in addition to 15,000 home inspections. What kind of contracting?

  • General B Contractor
  • Level Three Thermographers
  • Licensed Pool repair contractors

People before Profit

Real estate agents MUST sell houses to get their commission. That means they’ll do everything they can to convince you to move forward. We don’t profit from the deal closing, so we can put giving you good information before helping an agent close the deal.

What’s with the Higher Price?

We do more than other guys. Our average inspection takes double the time of other inspectors. We inspect for around an hour and a half, compared with the typical 45 minutes. Since we take more time and we’re nit-picky, we see things other inspectors miss.

Recommended Inspectors Can’t Be Objective

Around 100% of home inspection jobs come to typical inspectors through a real estate agent recommendations. In other words, inspectors need those agents to like them. Let an agent down by frightening off a sale and work starts getting scarce. No inspector that depends on the goodwill of real estate agents can give you an objective report. If they want to keep working, that report better not scare anyone. We don’t get referrals, so we can offer objectivity.

Do Our Customers Like What They Get?

They sure do! Plus, you don’t have to trust us about that. Decide for yourself after you see the customer reviews.

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Oxnard Home Inspectors
If you're looking for a thorough inspection... we're it in Los Angeles.
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The Mazza Inspection Group
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