FREE Los Angeles DIY home inspection checklist
In the state of California, there are no minimum requirements for anyone who wishes to conduct a home inspection. As a result, anyone can and do conduct home inspections. For the most part, all an individual needs are some basic tools and a checklist to follow. Our FREE DIY Home Inspection Checklist. We took the liberty of creating such a checklist for those of you who wish to conduct your very own home insepction. Keep in mind that while there are no qualification minimums here in California, you can always elect to hire a professional contractor for your home inspection.
Los Angeles Free Inspection Checklist
Regardless of how much or how little construction knowledge you may have. You may be able to complete a thorough inspection by following our checklist. The FREE Los Angeles DIY inspection checklist is very easy to follow. In case you find yourself lost, you can always contact us, here at MAZZA inspection group. Within the FREE checklist you will find that the list takes you through an entire home. In other words, the checklist takes you from the foundation to the roof. While other checklists cover most of the home, our FREE checklist covers the entire home.
MAZZA Inspection Group is here to help
Along with the checklist itself, you can rest assured that we are here to help if needed. Our 20++ years of inspection experience. Coupled with over 15,000 home inspections performed makes us top in our industry. MAZZA inspection group is unique in that we do not receive any business from any real estate agents. To put it differently, we only work for the home buyer with no chance of any collusion between realtors and inspector. MAZZA inspections out of Santa Clarita works only for the home buyer. When we perform home inspections, we take as long as necessary and do not limit our time at any property as most all other inspector will.
In closing, we suggest you try the FREE DIY Home Inspection Checklist and if you find you need any assistance, feel free to call us.
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