FEMA Trained

MARC MAZZA is a foundation retrofit inspector


Living in Southern California, every home owner should be prepared in the event of any type of seismic activity. Marc Mazza has been specifically FEMA trained to inspect foundations and identify and prescribe the type of seismic retrofitting needed to help reduce potential damage in the event of an earthquake.

Seismic retrofitting adds stability

Seismic retrofitting to wood frame residential structures may include adding anchor bolts and bracing in the crawl space to improve the connection between the wooden framing and concrete foundation. Marc Mazza is a general contractor, experienced and FEMA trained in seismic retrofitting, specifically with California Existing Building Code (CEBC) Chapter A3, 2010 standards.

Seismic retrofit funding is available to home owners if their home qualifies. There is a program available to fund retrofit expenses that strengthen cripple walls to enable them to function as shear members, significantly protecting the dwelling from collapsing; bolt foundations, enabling the dwelling to remain in place, rather than sliding off the foundation during an earthquake; and properly strap the water heater to reduce the likelihood of water and fire damage, and to protect the water supply.